Category Archives: Donors

Giving By Evangelicals Continues Post Covid Plunge

The COVID pandemic is often pointed to as a reason that certain silos of giving declined during roughly 2019 through 2022. A new survey shows that evangelical giving has not rebounded and continues to plummet. The numbers for evangelical giving

Crisis, Climate And Conflict Drove Disaster Philanthropy

Image from Giving to disasters by the 1,000 largest funders was more than seven times greater during 2022 than 10 years early, hitting $860.2 million compared to $111.4 million for the decade earlier. New Data from the Center for

Are We There Yet? Piloting An Audience-First Donor Journey

By Ellena Fortner Newsom As families plan for summer vacations, many turn to Google Maps to plot the best course and discover new and unique attractions, popular restaurants, and cozy accommodations. The planning can be the difference between a family

25 Years And $2.5 Billion For

Image from By Richard H. Levey, the ecommerce platform used by more than 130 Goodwills across North America, is not resting on its history after 25 years in operation. The online store, which organization leaders claim was “the

Staying Connected to Emerging Community Needs

Society is always changing, and along with that, the needs of communities. The success of your nonprofit hinges on one critical element: staying connected to the emerging needs of the community you serve.  According to Jackie Sue Griffin, founder of

New Data: Pre-Retirees and Retirees Prioritize Charitable Giving

Donors who are age 50 and older are planning to engage in charitable giving during retirement with 78% of pre-retirees and retirees responding that they plan to prioritize it. Beyond providing financial support for charities, pre-retirees and retirees are also

Report: Knowledge Spurs On ‘Spontaneous’ Giving

Spontaneous donors, those who made a first-time gift to a nonprofit within the past 12 months and had not planned to give to the organization beforehand, are substantially more among younger and minority donors. The rate of spontaneous giving among

Donors Can Create Giving Portfolio Via Charity Navigator

Image courtesy of Charity Navigator Charity evaluator Charity Navigator has introduced Causeway – a platform intended to simplify giving and increase donor impact on the causes donors care about. Causeway is managed with Charity Navigator’s analysts, who select what are in their

Your Database: Sourcecoding Better Locates Donors

Data can be harder to find than the proverbial needle in a haystack if a sourcecode isn’t properly assigned and entered into your database. A sourcecode tracks donor-specific and campaign-specific information that is vital to almost every action taken when

Making Mid-Level Donors Your Target Audience

The description of a mid-level donor is different for every organization. One thing that’s universal is that the level is determined by the amount given or targeted to be donated. It all comes down to audience selection and having good