Category Archives: Donors
6 Easy Steps to Boost Donor Acquisition
6 Easy Steps to Boost Donor Acquisition If you have been in the fundraising arena for any amount of time, then you know that donor acquisition is the topic that keeps nonprofit professionals up at night. The fact is
Endowment Gifts for Nonprofits: Legacies of Giving and Sustainability
Endowments: Legacies of Giving and Sustainability Are you telling the right story and giving your supporters the right opportunities to give? Many high-wealth donors want to create endowment gifts for nonprofits. Endowments gifts for nonprofits can set up your organization
[PODCAST] Avoid Becoming a Netflix Docudrama: A Discussion on Nonprofit Sector Ethics
The gray areas of nonprofit land are deep and wide. Many things we automatically deem inappropriate become considerable in the pursuit of good work (and survival). In this episode, Katie talks to Hannah Berger, a renowned nonprofit and philanthropy consultant
[PODCAST] The Three Epic Fails in Fundraising
What would you do if you knew you would not fail in an epic fashion? Probably raise support for your favorite mission, right? Unfortunately, there are some missteps that are common on the fundraising journey. In this episode of the
[PODCAST] Outcome Driven Fundraising
Outcome Driven Fundraising Begins with ROI Fundraising decisions are based on many outcomes, but are we using the right measures? The largest expense of most nonprofits is also its greatest asset: people. The human capital cost behind events, campaigns, and
[PODCAST] Getting to Know Generation Impact
A Discussion on Generation Impact: How Next Gen Donors are Revolutionizing Giving The up-and-coming generations are called many things and accused of many more. Speculation about their impact on philanthropy are the subject of books, blogs, studies, and many podcast
[PODCAST] Creating a Planned Giving Plan
Are you ready to create a planned giving plan? A planned giving plan is difficult because it’s hard to talk about the end, right? Not necessarily! In this episode of the Good to Growth Podcast, Lori Kranczer opens our minds
[PODCAST] Gift of Doubt: What if you’re exactly the leader you need to be?
Discussing “The Surprising Gift of Doubt” What a thought! Who you are, right now, with what you know and what you’ve experienced is enough. You are capable…in fact, you’re perfectly capable. But you might still have doubts, too—and that’s okay.
[PODCAST] It’s All About You, and Not About You at All
Getting Started with Donor Cultivation + Conversations Whether you’re just starting a nonprofit or looking to take your organization to the next level, you’re going to need supporters. Knowing how to begin and how to build relationships is the name
How to Raise More Money: Fundraising Do’s and Don’ts
Enjoy this spotlighted blog from DipJar If only fundraising was as easy as “just” asking for money, right? Of course, when thinking about successful fundraising and building donor relationships, there’s a lot more to it. We chatted with Tiffany Allen,