Category Archives: Featured

3 Nonprofit Newsletters You Need in Your Inbox

It can be tough to convince yourself to subscribe to a newsletter—especially if you already have dozens of them flooding your inbox each week. But there are reasons why we and millions of others subscribe: they provide useful, concise information;

How to Bounce Back When You’re Told No

Here’s a hard truth: at some point, if it hasn’t happened already, a potential donor will tell you “no” when you ask for money. It stings, but it’s a normal part of life in the nonprofit sector. And while this

Identifying the Value of Nonprofit Customer Experience

Deep down, nonprofits begin from the same place: a need to propel change. As organizations grow, the mission is seemingly the primary driver behind recruiting support. However, don’t assume the mission alone will sustain that connection—organizations should never lose sight

10 Summer Fundraisers for 2018

Summer is finally here—the days are longer, the sun is brighter and the money-raising possibilities are endless. To ring in the season, here are 10 fun, unique and affordable summer fundraisers that will make everyone excited to give back. For

What Type of Fundraiser Are You?

Every nonprofit has its own, unique approach to fundraising. If you’re a fundraiser, you may prefer to raise money online through social media, crowdfunding and emails, or maybe you like to stick to more traditional, in-person tactics. In the end, the method

[PODCAST] What’s Next? with Kishshana Palmer

We’re so excited to announce our new Hubcast series, What’s Next? We’re taking a bit of a different approach this time around, and we really think you’re going to love it. Our mission is still to provide premium education, so, just like our previous

How and When to Boost Your Posts on Social Media

Boosting your social media posts is a marketing tactic that can exponentially increase the amount of people that see your content. The concept is simple: pay to have your posts show up as sponsored content on non-followers’ timelines in order

The Ever-Growing Trend of Giving Days

Nonprofit Hub’s hometown, Lincoln, Nebraska, just had a record-breaking giving day bringing in $4.6 million to the nonprofit community. Just weeks before, my hometown of Hastings, Nebraska (population 25,000) raised nearly $500,000 in one day. In the last decade this

3 Easy Ways to Make Employees Want to Come to Work

Here at Nonprofit Hub, we have a fun, creative workspace filled with lots of food and games. We go on walks when we feel overwhelmed. We take time to sit, socialize and enjoy each other’s company. And believe it or

5 Motivational Quotes from Nonprofit Leaders (and How to Apply Them)

Gain some inspiration with these motivational quotes from top nonprofit thought leaders and learn how you can apply them to your own organization! Most “inspirational” quotes sound nice, but often lack substance or educational value. We’ll break each of them