Category Archives: Featured
How to Treat Volunteers as an Extension of Your Staff
Volunteers are a vital part of your nonprofit organization. They’re the ones doing the grunt work and producing tangible change for the cause you’re working to better. Once you’ve recruited a solid group of volunteers and have boots on the
Style Guide: Investor Presentations
Feeling comfortable in your work environment is an important part of your company culture. Many nonprofit organizations have lax dress codes, a custom many employees appreciate because they feel they can be themselves in the office. This changes, however, when
Board Diversity: Recruit Talent, Not Tokens
Seeing your organization through the eyes of the entire community you serve is advantageous. Diversity allows your organization to operate within the bigger picture. There are clear dividends of a diverse board, but diversity for diversity’s sake isn’t always the
[PODCAST] The Ins and Outs of Community Engagement | Ft. Amy Sample Ward
Free and Low-Cost Nonprofit Accounting Tools
When your nonprofit stays on the ball about adapting to new tools, it can work to achieve its mission. Part of this comes from good customer relationship management tools, but it can also include day-to-day operational things, like accounting and
Ending the Stigma: Fundraising is Sales
Nonprofit professionals don’t like to compare their work to that of the for-profit world. And it makes sense: nonprofits exist primarily to help those in need, and for-profit organizations exist primarily to make money. However, certain aspects of nonprofit work
Why Nonprofit Stories are the Secret to Success
Marc Pitman is a guest contributor for Nonprofit Hub. He helps leaders, especially in nonprofits, lead their teams with more effectiveness and less stress. The author of “Ask Without Fear!®,” he is the founder of The Concord Leadership Group and
It’s Time for Nonprofits to Grow Their Earned Media Strategy
When it comes to earned media, it’s quality over quantity. That’s the takeaway message from M+R’s new MediaMarks study. According to them, the best strategy is to “develop tunnel vision” and narrow your focus to better the results you’re getting
[PODCAST] Four Steps to Major Gifts Cultivation | Ft. Amy Eisenstein
The Difference Between Being Fiscally Responsible and Pinching Pennies
You work for a nonprofit. And that means spending minimal amounts of money and pinching every dollar to get by, right? That’s the way many nonprofits think, but it’s not necessarily true. The secret is this: you shouldn’t feel bad