Category Archives: Featured

6 Tips for Creating Engaging Email Newsletters

Sponsored by iContact   Regardless of whether you work in the nonprofit sector or run a small business, an email newsletter is one of the most important communication channels you have with your customers and supporters. A regularly scheduled email

[PODCAST] Earned Revenue for Nonprofits | Ft. Vu Le

Earned income for nonprofits can be an ambiguous topic when it comes to most organizations, because if you dig in more, you’ll find a lot of merchandise and coffee. We’re not knocking coffee or a nice shirt, but it usually

Feedback Surveys: A Simple Tip for Success

Why feedback surveys are a must-have. “Leaders who don’t listen will eventually be surrounded by people who have nothing to say.” —Andy Stanley Whether you know it or not, your nonprofit is a leader within its community. Your organization affects

Four Rules that Apply to Nonprofit Corporations

  Nonprofit corporations are a crucial part of our economy and serve a variety of individuals and interests. One of the unique elements of nonprofits is the way they are formed and function. Nonprofits operate differently than for-profit LLCs and

Continued Success: Refocusing for the New Year

Congratulations on your successful end-of-year fundraising campaign! After all the hard work put into the final fundraising push of the year, you definitely deserved that extra plate at Christmas dinner and the extra drink (or drinks) on New Year’s Eve