Category Archives: Fundraising

Cause Camp Recap: When It’s Okay to Think Inside the Box

From an early age, we’ve been told to “think outside the box” to solve problems. By now, this saying has been said so much that it’s a first-ballot inductee in the Overused Cliché Hall of Fame. As cliché as it

[LIVE PODCAST] Your Fundraising Fix, Tips & Tricks

Cause Camp 2017 was our best year yet. We had live t-shirts being printed, breakout yoga and meditation sessions, service work for a local nonprofit, oh… and a stellar lineup of thought leaders educating and interacting with attendees. On both

Text-to-Give Fundraising: Making the Most Out of Mobile

Mobile giving is on the rise, and there’s no platform more prevalent than text-to-give. As you can probably infer from its name, text-to-give software enables donors to make contributions by texting your nonprofit. How these platforms work varies by vendor,

The Easy Guide to Understanding Charity Auction Software

Charity auctions are classic, incentive-driven fundraisers that can be highly profitable when hosted by the right organizations. If you have the time and resources to pull off an auction, they’re definitely an event worth considering. Luckily, planning a fundraising auction

Three Elements of Transformational Fundraising

One of our most recent additions to the CausePlanet summary library is The Generosity Network by Jennifer McCrea, Jeffrey C. Walker and Karl Weber. We liked their approach to fundraising because it’s not another book about how to be a

4 Nonprofits That Gamified Their Funding (and Tips for You to Copy)

Nonprofits all have one thing in common: They need to raise money. There are some that do it better than others, and they’re usually the ones who manage to make the biggest impact. Reaching a larger audience is a key

Cause Camp Highlight: The Way We Think About Charity is Wrong

Dan Pallotta got things movin’ and shakin’ for day one of Cause Camp. He kicked off the conference with a talk that inspired a standing ovation from the entire room. In Pallotta’s presentation, he turned the way we typically think

Four Ways to Increase Online Giving Conversions

Building awareness and getting people familiar with your organization and cause is important—but to stay afloat, increase online giving conversions on your website to increase your bottom line and allow you to create a larger impact. Online giving is responsible

Definitive Timeline to Master Follow-Up with First-Time Donors

A donor’s first donation to your nonprofit is a step in the right direction, but it’s not an immediate promise for smooth sailing. After their initial gift, you still have work to do with each donor. That work pays off,

Who are Mid-Level Donors and Why Should I Care?

Mid-level donors are kind of like the middle child of giving. They’re stuck in between the average and major donor and oftentimes don’t get the attention they want or deserve, which forces them astray or to give their support elsewhere.