Category Archives: Fundraising

5 Times Foundations Cause More Problems Than They Solve

The nature of philanthropy is a want to help. It’s what foundations were created to do. But all too often, foundations, corporate grantmakers, and donors end up unintentionally causing problems instead of helping to solve them. Even with the best

Program Sustainability is Not Just About Funding

“What are your plans for sustaining this project, if you are successful?” Many of you will recognize this question from grant applications, and unfortunately, it’s one that we often struggle to answer confidently. For years, I used to wing my

[PODCAST] Storytelling as Mission Moments | Ft. Lori Jacobwith

Storytelling has been a pretty noteworthy buzzword in the nonprofit sector in the last few years. Blogs, conferences and thought leaders all over the sector stress the importance of storytelling. We all have stories that stem from our work and

Start With Why: How to Improve your Nonprofit Messaging

  For nonprofits to be successful at generating money from both fundraising and earned income, they have to be able to communicate effectively. The best way to do it is to start with why you’re doing what you’re doing, not

[PODCAST] Earned Revenue for Nonprofits | Ft. Vu Le

Earned income for nonprofits can be an ambiguous topic when it comes to most organizations, because if you dig in more, you’ll find a lot of merchandise and coffee. We’re not knocking coffee or a nice shirt, but it usually

Continued Success: Refocusing for the New Year

Congratulations on your successful end-of-year fundraising campaign! After all the hard work put into the final fundraising push of the year, you definitely deserved that extra plate at Christmas dinner and the extra drink (or drinks) on New Year’s Eve