Mr. Earl Jackson at Loyola Univesity Annual Haiti Assistance Conference

Mr. Earl Jackson at Loyola Univesity Annual Haiti Assistance Conference

2016 donations raised more than 5 million dollars in supplies. More »


Hospital Philanthropy Professionals Find Limits To Major Donor Tech

Image from By Richard H. Levey Philanthropy professionals who work on behalf of hospitals listed major donor development, retention and upgrades and refilling the donor pipeline as their top three fundraising priorities, according to a new study. But while

Commentary … We Need To Strengthen Nonprofits, Right Now.

By Armando Zumaya We live in a radically different time now for the nonprofits. Federal and state funding for many programs in health, education,  racial justice, immigration will be cut or ended altogether. We are looking at a dangerous situation

Applying The 10 Stages of Group Development To Grants

By Shauna O’Toole, CFRE, GPC You encountered inefficiency, frustration, or even conflict when working with a group to develop a grant proposal. Most teams flounder before they begin performing at their peak. The Stages of Group Development framework, developed by

Are We There Yet? Piloting An Audience-First Donor Journey

By Ellena Fortner Newsom As families plan for summer vacations, many turn to Google Maps to plot the best course and discover new and unique attractions, popular restaurants, and cozy accommodations. The planning can be the difference between a family

Bill To Pull Tax Exemptions Headed Back To Congress

(Photo By Deposit Photos)   Language that would allow the U.S. Secretary of the Treasury to designate a nonprofit as a terrorist supporting organization and yank its exempt status was tacked to the bottom of a bill in the U.S.

Copenhagen Framework Boosts Citizen Participation in Data

By Richard H. Levey The best way for data and statistics to reflect traditionally underrepresented populations is for groups and individuals representing these populations to participate in data gathering, analysis and presentation. When this is done, public policy and sustainable

Scott Resumes Giving Away Millions In Large Chunks

She is back at it. MacKenzie Scott, who in the past few years has given away more than $17 billion, has provided $65 million to the Local Initiatives Support Corporation (LISC) in New York City. It is the largest contribution in

Boards: 3 Areas NPO Leaders Need To Develop

By Dennis C. Miller We all know about the commitment and passion that nonprofit leaders bring to their organization to make a difference in the lives of others. You truly care about others and work tremendously long hours to generate

Finance: AMA Pushes For Charity Care Accountability

Image from Members of the American Medical Association (AMA) voted to support greater oversight of nonprofit hospitals and standardization of charity care policies so financial assistance reaches patients in need. Hospitals are eligible for nonprofit status, which exempts them

Accounting: Data Behind Functional Expense Reporting

By Alyssa Simard, CPA The success and integrity of nonprofit organizations hinge on the ability to steward financial resources effectively. One critical aspect of financial stewardship is the practice of functional expense reporting. It is paramount for nonprofit financial leaders